Exodus Fraternity Meeting
Harmony Room 2300 Pontoon Road, Granite CityThe Exodus Fraternity meets on Thursday nights after Benediction at 9 p.m. in the Harmony Room. Contact the parish office for more information. https://exodus90.com/granite-city/
The Exodus Fraternity meets on Thursday nights after Benediction at 9 p.m. in the Harmony Room. Contact the parish office for more information. https://exodus90.com/granite-city/
Baptism Preparation Class. Register here: https://stelizabethgc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1352849
Click here to sign up This is an instance of our monthly Baptism Preparation Class. Parents of children to be baptized are required to attend a class prior to requesting a Baptism date; Godparents are highly encouraged to attend with the parents. The class is free, but we encourage a $20 donation to help us offset the cost of the class materials. The class is held in the Library of the Parish Life Center, the 1 1/2 story building between the church and the school. Click here to sign up