Have questions about the Catholic Faith? Interested in becoming Catholic?
Please contact us via the contact form at the bottom of this page, and we will contact you for an introductory conversation and to answer any questions that you may have.
Perhaps you know someone who wants to become Catholic? Then this is the place for you to be! If you are Catholic, please invite your friends or relatives and contact us or guide them to this page and our email address.
“The sacraments of Christian initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist – lay the foundations of every Christian life.” – Catechism of the Catholic Church 1212
What is RCIA?
RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which persons become fully initiated Catholics.
Who is it for?
RCIA is for adults:
- Who were never baptized
- Who were baptized in another Christian community and wish to become Catholic
- Who were baptized in the Catholic Church but were never confirmed
- Catholics who are interested in visiting and learning more about their faith
How does it work?
RCIA meets weekly on most Thursdays beginning each September. Sessions typically include prayer and instruction on some aspect of the Catholic faith. All you need to bring is an open heart and mind. RCIA is more than learning facts and history, it is about conversion, a lifelong process of growth in our relationship with God.
Candidates are initiated gradually through a series of liturgical rites. They receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil, the highlight of the Church year.
How do you get started?
The process begins with a personal interview to determine how we can best serve your spiritual needs. You would then attend sessions every week to learn more about the Catholic faith. If you should decide that the Catholic faith is not for you or you are not ready to make that commitment, it is okay. There is never any pressure to make a commitment you are not ready for. We walk as companions on your faith journey.
Can anyone come?
YES! Anyone can come learn more at any RCIA meeting. This may be of particular interest to parishioners looking to understand more about an area of our faith, or of someone looking to inquire more about a specific topic while they continue to discern their own faith journey. We just ask that you please let our Faith Formation Coordinator know in advance, so that sufficient materials are available (if necessary) and so that if anything changes about the schedule, we can let you know. Please feel free to look for topics of interest on the annual schedule and consider joining us for some.
Parish Secretary Bret Ware and/or Deacon Michael Halbrook via:
Interest/Application Form for RCIA (Adobe Acrobat PDF)
Note: If you need space for additional children on the form, please just email FaithFormation.
Here’s the schedule for the 2020-21 RCIA class