God loves you and has a plan for your life.
God is love! The good news is that God loves each of us infinitely and unconditionally. This love is part of God’s eternal plan that begins here on earth and ends in eternal life and happiness in heaven.
Sin separates us from God.
Sin disrupts God’s plan and leads to misery and death. Since the beginning, our sins have gotten in the way of God’s loving plan. Sin damages or even breaks our relationship with God and others, leaving us empty, broken, and searching.
Jesus Christ died to save you.
The good news is that God loved us so much that he sent his Son, Jesus, to rescue us and restore us to an intimate, life-giving relationship with God. He died to free us from sin and rose again to save us from death, opening the door to a new kind of life that lasts forever.
Repent and believe the Gospel, the “good news.”
God has made the first move in saving us and bringing us to himself, but we have a part to play. We must respond by leaving sin behind, accepting and believing he gospel. This means reorienting our life, making Christ the new center of our lives, and entrusting our lives completely to him.
Be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit.
In the sacrament of Baptism, we are united to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We die to sin and are born again as sons and daughters of God (see Romans 6:3-4). We receive the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live our lives in conformity to God’s saving plan.
Live in Christ, through his body, the Church.
In the Church, God has provided a place for us to learn, live, and celebrate his plan of sheer goodness. We do not serve God as individuals, but as a united, loving family that seeks to imitate God in our daily lives.
Go forth and make disciples.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Church continues the work of God’s saving plan which Christ inaugurated two millenia ago. By loving others as God loves us and sharing the Good news of God’s saving plan, we build up the Kingdom of God as we welcome others into his family, the Church. This happens in our own families, among friends, and in the various encounters of our lives.
Seeking God? Discover Christ.
A five-week experience.
Discover Christ is for anyone. It is a five-week experience that invites you to hear the Good News and understand a bit more about Christ & His Church, no matter where you are in your faith life.
Thursdays in September: September 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30
St. Elizabeth Church Parish Life Center
2300 Pontoon Road, Granite City
6 p.m. Fellowship & snacks
7 p.m. Experience
Ask questions or register – email:
Deacon Neil Suermann (Holy Family & St. Mary/St. Mark)
Deacon Michael Halbrook (St. Elizabeth)
or call our parish office at 618-877-3300
At St. Elizabeth Church, we’ve been living and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith, baptizing and forming disciples for 150 years.