Young Disciples Society is our reimagined ministry to our youth. Our mentors from our parish & school are ready to walk with our students to help them grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, in holiness and in virtue.
Young Disciples Society is for ALL of our parish & school youth, post-Confirmation, & any friends they invite.
What Happens During Young Disciples?
The Sunday Gathering
As Young Disciples arrive on Sunday mornings, there’s intentional time to hang out, chat, and have some snacks.
The Sunday Message
We hear a message about discipleship and our faith in Jesus Christ & His Church.
The Small Groups
We break it apart into small groups guided by our mentors. The small groups are broken out by boys/girls and by age/grade level. These peer discussions and relationships are where the Holy Spirit works the hardest.
The Hangout & The Houses
We have some time for casual hangout.
The Disciple’s Life

To motivate growth in Discipleship & Stewardship, we’ve devised a Young Disciples Society rewards system. Young Disciples earn “wooden nickels” for various activities, which they can redeem for individual or team prizes through the year.
We talk about these opportunities during Young Disciples Society meetings on Sundays, but here’s a sampling:
- Attend Mass at St. Elizabeth: 1 token
- Attend Mass elsewhere (bring bulletin & homily report): 1 token
- Attend Church elsewhere (non-Catholic – parent validated): 1 token
- Attend Young Disciples Society on Sunday: 2 tokens
- Attend Sunday Vespers: 1 token
- Parent/Guardian attends an adult faith formation session/event: 1 token
Youth (YD) Parish Service:
- Altar Server, Lector, Choir: 1 token per Mass/liturgy (i.e. including Sunday Vespers & other special liturgies)
- Service Hours (Fish Fry, Picnic, etc.): 1 token per 2 hours worked
NOTE: Young Disciples from St. Elizabeth School earn tokens for service once their current school service requirement is met, at a rate of 1 token per 2 hours of service thereafter, except as otherwise noted above. Young Disciples from other schools earn tokens starting right away.
Parents, stop by and we’ll also give you a couple of tokens each month to award to your Young Disciple to reward noteworthy YD-like behaviors at home.
We’ll continue to create new opportunities to earn tokens.
Sign Up
Contact Deacon Michael at mhalbrook@stelizabethgc.org or call the parish office.
We’re exploring launching a House system, overlayed onto our 4th-8th grades in the school and parish. The students will be divided into five houses under the patronage of various Saints.
The Houses will create their own service & discipleship opportunities, and compete through the year for tokens as a House, all trying to earn the annual House Cup (traveling trophy) and cool House prizes as well!